Why So Many Bright Students and So Many Dull Papers?
This article explores a serious problem that has undermined writing assignments given in schools and colleges throughout the history of education. Students are asked to write for a fake audience – the teacher – who presumably already knows most of what the students can find to say. That erodes the purpose served by writing in the professional world – which is to communicate. Instead, students write not to communicate but only to demonstrate to the teacher that the students have conquered a small percentage of the totality the teacher already knows. The article goes on to explain a new way of using group writing that significantly enhances the course’s learning experience. The procedure, appropriately modified, can work for courses in any discipline. This is an article not about learning to write, but rather about writing in order to learn. This approach has already proved effective for more than 15 years at Duke University and at several other campuses where Dr. Gopen has presented it to the faculty.
This article explores a serious problem that has undermined writing assignments given in schools and colleges throughout the history of education. Students are asked to write for a fake audience – the teacher – who presumably already knows most of what the students can find to say. That erodes the purpose served by writing in the professional world – which is to communicate. Instead, students write not to communicate but only to demonstrate to the teacher that the students have conquered a small percentage of the totality the teacher already knows. The article goes on to explain a new way of using group writing that significantly enhances the course’s learning experience. The procedure, appropriately modified, can work for courses in any discipline. This is an article not about learning to write, but rather about writing in order to learn. This approach has already proved effective for more than 15 years at Duke University and at several other campuses where Dr. Gopen has presented it to the faculty.
What's An Assignment Like You Doing in a Course Like This? : Writing to Learn Mathematics, Gopen and Smith
Needing a new way to re-emphasize conceptualization in the mathematics curriculum, more of us have become willing to consider the pedagogical efficacy of writing assignments, which force students to (re)articulate concepts before pushing the buttons. This new hope assumes that thought and expression of thought are so closely interrelated that to require the latter will engender the former.
Needing a new way to re-emphasize conceptualization in the mathematics curriculum, more of us have become willing to consider the pedagogical efficacy of writing assignments, which force students to (re)articulate concepts before pushing the buttons. This new hope assumes that thought and expression of thought are so closely interrelated that to require the latter will engender the former.
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email questions and information to [email protected]
or call 1 (855) 44GOPEN [+1 (855) 444-6736].
email questions and information to [email protected]
or call 1 (855) 44GOPEN [+1 (855) 444-6736].